How to Create Advocacy Memes
Written by Patient Network member Aaron Horton, the Mesh Warrior Foundation
Want to get your point across with a catchy design on social media? Here are some tips for creating "memes" (an image with text that sends a quick message to the viewer - use them to make your voice heard):
1) USE CANVA.COM - No design experience needed! is a free website which allows you to create graphics using templates which are already sized for all the different social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Social Media share size for Tumblr, Pinterest, etc.). Canva has free illustrations, fonts, text formatting, etc. You can even upload your own photos!
2) FIND ROYALTY FREE IMAGES - Use to find "Royalty free" and/or "non-trademarked" images. There is a library of images to use, all free, all unrestricted by copyright.
3) TAP INTO A NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL CONVERSATION - Mother's Day, Star Wars, the release of a big movie, anything that folks are paying attention to.
4) TAILOR YOUR MESSAGE - If you tap into "May the 4th," the ultimate Star Wars MEME, use Pixabay photos that represent that message. If you tap into a new medical or legal thriller/movie/book, tailor your message and weave a mesh issue into the message.
5) TRY TO BE UPWORTHY - Try to stay positive, even when you're sharing your pain/hurt. People will pay much more attention to a positive, uplifting message, or a humorous message. In exchange for viewing your message, people want to be educated or entertained. I'm not saying it's right. It's just true.