June 2017 Introductory Patient Training Workshop
The National Center for Health Research (NCHR) recruited patient partners to attend an Introductory Patient Training Workshop on June 2-3, 2017 in Washington, D.C. Thirty patient partners attended and were trained on FDA approval standards, scientific evidence for good treatments, basics of clinical trial design, and patient engagement opportunities at the FDA and NIH. They were educated by NCHR staff and guest speakers on opportunities to make their voices heard when advocating for safer and more effective medical products. Additionally, an FDA advisory committee role playing exercise prepared patient partners for real world advocacy. Patient partners and NCHR staff worked together to discuss goals for the Patient Network.
Check out the presentations from this workshop here and photos here.
Workshop report coming soon.

October 2016 Introductory Patient Training Workshop
The National Center for Health Research (NCHR) recruited patient partners to attend an Introductory Patient Training Workshop on October 14-15, 2016 in Washington, D.C. Thirty patient partners attended and were trained on FDA approval standards, scientific evidence for good treatments, FDA opportunities for patient engagement, and participation in clinical trials. They were educated by NCHR staff and guest speakers on opportunities to make their voices heard when advocating for safer and more effective medical products. Additionally, an FDA advisory committee role playing exercise prepared patient partners for real world advocacy. Patient partners and NCHR staff worked together to discuss goals for the Patient Network.
Check out the presentations from this workshop here.
October 2016 Workshop Report (Short Version)

June 2016 Advanced Patient Advocacy
Training Workshop
The National Center for Health Research (NCHR) recruited patient partners to attend an Advanced Patient Training Workshop on June 3-4, 2016 in Washington, D.C. Twenty-six patient partners attended and were trained on FDA approval standards, scientific evidence for good treatments, FDA opportunities for patient engagement, and participation in clinical trials. They were educated by NCHR staff and guest speakers on opportunities to make their voices heard when advocating for safer and more effective medical products. Additionally, an FDA advisory committee role playing exercise prepared patient partners for real world advocacy. Patient partners and NCHR staff worked together to discuss goals for the Patient Network.
Check out the presentations from this workshop here.
June 2016 Workshop Report (Short Version)

November 2015 Patient Advocacy Training Workshop
The National Center for Health Research (NCHR) recruited patient partners to attend a Patient Training Workshop on November 13-14, 2015 in Washington, D.C. Thirty-one patient partners attended and were trained on the importance of better research to improve the safety and effectiveness of drugs and medical devices. They were educated by NCHR staff and guest speakers on opportunities to provide feedback on a national level to organizations such as the FDA, NIH, university researchers and nonprofit organizations. Additionally patient panels encouraged participation from patients, and role playing exercises provided direct feedback to patient partners.
Check out the presentations from this workshop here.
June 2014 Patient Training Workshop
On June 13, 2014, the National Center for Health Research hosted the first Patient Advocacy Training Workshop. This workshop was the stepping stone for the creation of the USA Patient Network and included 30 workshop participants. These participants were trained to increase their understanding of and participation in FDA public meetings, public comments, and other opportunities to strengthen patient-centeredness of FDA research requirements. Click below to see how successful the workshop turned out to be!